National Grandparent Movement

About the Movement

A growing number of grandparents believe the time is now, to chart a new course, to encourage and equip grandparents to grab hold of their potential influence and instill in them a fresh vision in helping them share their love and faith in Christ with their grandchildren so that they are able to leave a living faith legacy.

National Conference

Our annual National Grandparents Conference is just one part of our movement, but one which draws hundreds of people each year to hear from renowned national and international speakers.

Local Ministry

We are launching seminars for churches and community groups as well as small group ministry networks to equip and encourage grandparents and ministry leaders to leave a living legacy.


Keep in touch and plug in to year-round videos, commentaries, blogs and other informative content. Always remember that it only takes one grandparent to make a difference.


Connect with us on Facebook for the latest updates and to join the conversation.


Sign up to get monthly email updates that will encourage and equip you.


Tell you friends and family about our conference/ movement and help them to also become an intentional grandparent.


We need more and more grandparents praying earnestly for their grandchildren.


BSB: 641-800
Acc.: 201013249
‘Grandparenting With Purpose Ltd’

What People are Saying

Excellent day. Very well organised and friendly. Very appropriate topics.


All in all I thought it was all absolutely fantastic—had heard great reports from 2018 but hadn’t realised how wonderful, informative and entertaining it would be.


Excellent speakers, well run program—best conference to date.

Robert & Meryl

This conference helped me focus on this unique role. I came away encouraged and validated—my role as a grandparent is important and benefited from spending the time to add some new ideas and skills to this special part of my family’s life.


Our Mission

The mission of the NGM is to encourage grandparents, through our annual conference, small group ministry and the birth of grandparent ministries in every church, by equipping them in such a way, that they are able to help their grandchildren navigate their future with greater confidence.

This Australian wide movement, plays a role in fulfilling the biblical instruction found in Deuteronomy 4:9, “Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them. 

Our Vision

The vision for the National Grandparent Movement (NGM) is simply this, to ensure that grandparents are reminded of their influence in being able to leave a living faith legacy for their grandchildren to follow.

This is done in two key ways:

Influence – Firstly, to ensure that new generations of grandparents are equipped and encouraged to leave such a faith legacy.

Impact – Secondly, to reach 30,000 grandparents, by 2030 in becoming intentional about their own roles within their families.

Our Values

The values of such a movement are many, but what is key to all that we do and say is the belief that grandparents often hold the keys that can allow their grandchildren to unlock aspects of their lives, like spiritual growth, emotional and mental health, that will help them with much needed direction for their lives.

We seek to remind all grandparents of the following:

  • Grandparents are the footsteps to future generations.
  • Grandparents are in the business of building strong family connections.
  • Grandparents not only provide a connection to the past but also a light for the future.

The NGM is now a listed not for Profits trading

Grandparenting With Purposes Ltd
ABN 88668498566

Book Launch "Footsteps For Future Generations"​

Our new book “Footsteps for Future Generations…The Faith Legacy that Grandparents Leave” will launch at the 2023 conference.

Get in Touch

Connect on Facebook


Connect with us on Facebook for the latest updates and to join the conversation.


Sign up to get monthly email updates that will encourage and equip you.


Tell you friends and family about our conference/ movement and help them to also become an intentional grandparent.


We need more and more grandparents praying earnestly for their grandchildren.


BSB: 641-800
Acc.: 201013249
‘Grandparenting With Purpose Ltd’